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  • Specialty – Puran Ghrita possesses enhanced medicinal properties beneficial for treating conditions like insanity (Unmada) and demoniac seizures (Bhutonmada), due to its prolonged aging process.
  • Availability – Available
  • Weight – 100ml


Puran Ghrita

Product Overview

The ghee stored in air-tight containers for 1-10 years is called Puran Ghrita – Purana means old, and Ghrita means ghee. As per Ayurveda, the old ghee has unique benefits for neurological and psychological disorders.

Definition of Puran Ghrita

As per Bhava Prakasha, desi cow bilona churned ghee stored for one year in an air-tight container made of Iron or steel or mud pot is called Puran Ghrita.

Reference of Puran Ghrita

Charaka Samhita

“The older the ghee, the better the qualities.”

Key Benefits

  • Sara – Laxative promotes the movement of liquids in channels
  • Laghu – Light to digest
  • Deepana – Improves digestion strength
  • Srotovishodhana – Clears and cleanses body channels
  • Varnya – Promotes skin complexion
  • Vranashodhana, Ropana – Cleanses and heals wounds


  • 5 Years Old Gir Cow Ghee (Ghrita)

Puran Ghrita Benefits

  • Cures Numerous Diseases
    • Known to treat various ailments and increase overall vitality.
    • Acts as an elixir of life.
  • Skin Health
    • Effective for skin ailments like eczema and patches.
  • Mental Health
    • Helps reduce nervousness, anxiety, migraines, dizziness, and giddiness.
  • Immunity Booster
    • Enhances immunity, protecting against seasonal viral infections and fevers.
    • Particularly beneficial during pandemics for overall immune support.
  • Nasal Health
    • Desi ghee releases unnecessary toxins from the nostrils, promoting nasal health.

Puran Ghrita Qualities

(Therapeutic Benefits of Puran Ghrita)
  • Treatment for Unmada (Insanity)
    • Prescribed by physicians to alleviate all three Doshas.
    • Known for its sacred nature, effectively cures demoniac seizures (Bhutonmada).
  • Superior Properties
    • Exhibits better therapeutic properties when taken internally compared to ordinary ghee.
    • Promotes intellect and serves as an excellent purgative.
  • Taste and Aroma
    • Pungent and bitter in taste with a sharp pungent smell.
  • Characteristics
    • Ghee stored for ten years is referred to as Puran Ghrita.
    • Cold in potency.
    • Effective in curing all types of demoniac seizures (Bhutonmada).

Puran Ghrita Uses

The old ghee is used in different ways – 

  • Nasya – As nasal drops
  • Akshipoorana – A procedure called Tarpana – where a black gram paste compound is constructed around the eye and ghee is filled and left there for 5-10 minutes.
  • Abhyanga – Massage or external application (as in case of non-healing wounds)
  • Basti – Enema
  • Pana – Oral intake (5 drops to up to 2 tablespoons per day, depending on the patient’s age, body strength, digestion capacity and disease condition.)

Compatibility with Allopathic Medicines

  • Consultation Required: Seek your doctor’s advice when taking this product alongside other Western (allopathic/modern) medicines to avoid potential interactions.
  • Timing: If taking both Ayurvedic and allopathic medicines, take the allopathic medicine first, wait for 30 minutes, and then take the Ayurvedic medicine after an additional 15-30 minutes, or as directed by a physician.

Side Effects

Generally, there are no known side effects when used under medical supervision.

  • Precautions: Not ideal for patients with very low digestive strength.
  • If very old and exposed to moisture, it may have developed mold.
    • Using such old ghee for Nasya may cause nasal irritation and discomfort.
  • People with diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, and high blood pressure should exercise caution.
  • Overdose: In very high doses, it may cause diarrhea and indigestion.


  1. How can a patient with schizophrenia or epilepsy use old ghee?

People with schizophrenia, epilepsy or depression can incorporate old ghee into their diet to help in their treatment. Its bitter and pungent taste may make it difficult to take directly. Consume 10 drops to 1 teaspoon in the morning before breakfast with lukewarm water. If the taste is not well tolerated, use half to one teaspoon in cooking.

2. Can an Ordinary person take old ghee?

Yes, half to one teaspoon per day with hot water. Use hot water to help digest ghee easily.

3. Can this be used while taking Homeopathic medicine?

Yes. This product does not react with homeopathic medicine.

4. Can this medicine be continued while taking supplements like multivitamin tablets, Omega 3 fatty acids, etc?

Yes. Generally, this product goes well with most of the dietary supplements. However, if you are taking more than one product per day, please consult your doctor for an opinion.


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